Jabsons food Banana Chips, 150g (Black Pepper) Expiry Date 2023. 8. 14
100% Natural, Healthy & Rich with No Preservatives and No Artificial Colours Added.
价格 12.90
本店 满 1500 包邮
商品数量 391

Jabsons food Banana Chips, 200g (Black Pepper) 

  • Air puffed pack will act as a cushion so none of the external pressures will reach our chips. Result in all-round coin-shaped banana chips. The Banana Chips are Perfectly Sliced Using Machine which Makes Sure the Taste & Thickness is Consistent.

  • 100% Natural, Healthy & Rich with No Preservatives and No Artificial Colours Added.

  • Sliced bananas passed through cooking oil only for a matter of seconds and the delicious hot chips will be received at the other end. This Banana Chips can consume in fasting (vrat) also.

  • Jabsons food Banana Chips are really special because of its taste, texture, and experience it provides. The secret behind all the above attributes is the variety of banana we use for making chips.

  • bananas are washed, sliced as per precision cutting and washed again, cooked, seasoning, and finally packing.

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