Mazutti Erva Mate 500g / 马黛茶粉 500g Expiry Date 2025.6.1
Air Leakage Chimarraoerva-Mate 500g/进口马黛茶养生茶包装漏气慎拍
价格 78.00 ¥95
全场 满 5000 包邮

Mazutti Erva Mate 500g / 马黛茶粉 500g

Packaging of Black Tea Leafs Ximango with 500g. Utilized for Chimarrão. Ximango, a true native Brazil erva, was not only grown in Brazil, but grown specifically for the native population of mate enthusiasts, primarily concentrated in the three southernmost states of the country. Conversely, most of the “yerba mate”  grown in Brazil, being significantly less powdery and allowed to age for the typical period of several months, is grown for export to neighboring Uruguay.
