Moisturizing Lotion 120ml/ 马油精华液爽肤水120ml
Moisturizing Lotion120ml /Horse Oil Toner 120ml/马油精华液爽肤水补水收缩毛孔祛斑美白隔离霜BB防晒保湿水
价格 28.80 ¥35.8
本店 满 1500 包邮
商品数量 393
  • Moisturizers prevent and treat dry skin. They can also protect sensitive skin, improve skin texture and mask imperfections. You may need to try various products to find the right moisturizers for you.

  • Most skincare professionals suggest moisturizing twice a day: once in the morning and once at night. This ensures your skin's moisture will remain constant both throughout the day and while you sleep, so you can always look forward to supple, healthy skin.

  • This daily loss of skin cells leaves these areas vulnerable to the dryness and the elements - in fact, they are highest-risk areas for skin cancer. Moisturizing can help give your sensitive skin the boost it needs to repair itself and stay healthy.

