Fortune Premium Pure Mustard Oil Kachi Ghani - Available in 500ml & 1L Bottles Expiry Date 2024.10
Premium Mustard Oil 100% Veg 500ml &1L / 纯芥末油100%素食500ml & 1L
价格 25.80 ¥69.00
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 4315

Fortune Premium Pure Mustard Oil Kachi Ghani - Available in 500ml & 1L Bottles

  1. Mustard Oil is a good source of Vitamin K and omega 3 and 6

  2. This is highly recommended for the reason that it is full of monounsaturated fatty acids

  3. The oil contains beta-carotene which is excellent for hair growth and is loaded with Vitamin E which is an essential nutrient for the skin. 

  4. Being pure, the cooking oil retains its natural properties and mustard oil benefits and its strong aroma and pungency helps to spice up cooking. 




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