婴儿玉米爽身粉120g/Baby Corn Talcum Powder
婴儿玉米爽身粉120g/Baby Corn Talcum Powder
价格 19.00 ¥25
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 4293

Talcum powder is made from talc which is a mineral made up of other minerals such as magnesium, oxygen, and silicon. It is often used in different types of cosmetic products such as makeup.

But talc is also the main ingredient in baby powder which has been used for many years as a way to keep baby’s skin dry and free from rashes.

This is because it has fantastic moisture absorption properties and can help reduce friction where skin rubs together. But in the last few years, there has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the use of talcum powder on a baby.

