Pro Supps Karbolic 32 Servings Blue Razz Flavor 2.1kg (4.6lbs) Gluten & Sugar Free
Super-Premium Muscle Fuel+. Contains an electrolyte complex (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and zinc)
价格 430.00 ¥450
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商品数量 17

Pro Supps Karbolic 32 Servings Blue Razz Flavor 2.1kg (4.6lbs) Gluten & Sugar Free

  • Super-Premium Muscle Fuel+. Contains an electrolyte complex (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and zinc).

  • Contains small, medium and large carbohydrates, for an instant and long lasting energizing effect +. Pteropro is a scientifically proven anti-oxidant and carbohydrate-synthesizing technology +. All serious athletes require fast, medium and slow acting carbohydrates before, during and after exercise or competition.

  • For over 40 years, sports nutritionists have touted the benefits of carbohydrate intake to improve performance and recovery.

  • With ProSupps Karbolic, we are far more interested in providing you with better results in the gym and on the field through research based technology, proven to deliver the highest level of efficacy and results. We partnered with JW Nutritional to jointly develop a proprietary, nutrient partitioning, anti-oxidant ingredient that was specifically designed to meet the hightened metabolic demands of all types of serious athletes and synergized specifically with carbohydrates to enhance intra-cellular muscle volume and carbohydrate loading.

  • PteroPro is a scientifically designed extract that contains ingredients backed for more than one hundred clinical and basic research studies


    • Skin splitting muscle pumps

    • Increase muscle volume and load

    • Steady energy for maximum performance

    • 100% sugar free and gluten free

