Organic Flaxseed Oil Cold Pressed 1L Expiry Date 2023.01.04
Flaxseed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids and has been shown to have several health benefits
价格 68.80 ¥84.8
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 9

Organic Flaxseed Oil Cold Pressed 1L Expiry Date 2023.01.04

Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

  • Flaxseed oil is high in ALA omega-3 fatty acids, which have been associated with numerous health benefits.

  • Some test-tube and animal studies show that flaxseed oil may reduce cancer cell growth, although additional research in humans is needed.

  • Some studies have shown that flaxseed oil could improve heart health by reducing blood pressure and increasing the elasticity of the arteries.

  • Some animal and human studies have shown that flaxseed oil may help treat both constipation and diarrhea, but further research is required.

  • Animal and human studies show that supplementing with flaxseed oil could help improve skin smoothness and hydration, while also treating certain skin conditions like dermatitis.

  • Some studies have shown that flaxseed oil may have anti-inflammatory properties. However, additional research is needed.
