Norwegian Pu Yu Codfish Loin 1kg
Low-fat source of protein and is packed with vital vitamins and trace minerals
价格 175.00 ¥188
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 23

Norwegian Pu Yu Codfish Loin 1kg

Loins from the genuine salted, dried codfish from Norway, without bones, manufactured by hand from fresh raw material, and cured for 9 months using only salt.

Low-fat source of protein and is packed with vital vitamins and trace minerals

Highlighting Features:

  • Cod have soft, white flesh that makes them a popular seafood item.

  • Cod generally provides a lean source of protein, several B vitamins, and multiple important minerals for your body.

  • Fish consumption is associated with improved health and reduced disease risk. Although cod does not contain the high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, it is relatively low in mercury and can be a nutritious part of a healthy diet.

  • Although there are several health and environmental concerns related to cod consumption, these do not indicate that cod should be avoided altogether. Sustainable, properly prepared cod can be a safe and nutritious part of your diet.

  • Cod can be prepared in numerous ways, and its mild flesh easily absorbs spices. To ensure that it doesn’t dry out, wrap cod in aluminum foil during cooking.

