Royco Dry Cook-in-Sauce Chicken a la King 54g Sachet
Whip up an all-time favourite meal - simply add your meat and vegetables!
价格 28.80 ¥35.8
本店 满 1888 包邮
商品数量 109

Royco Dry Cook-in-Sauce Chicken a la King 54g Sachet

Expiry Date 2022.10.29

Whip up an all-time favourite meal - simply add your meat and vegetables!

OVEN Instructions:

Brown meat in 1 Tbls oil in medium sized saucepan (± 30 cm diameter). Place meat in a casserole dish, pour Cook-in-Sauce over & stir gently. Cover & bake until cooked & tender, stirring halfway through cooking.


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