Bakers Betta Snack Milk Choc 200g Best Before 2022.02.03
SALE - Bakers Betta Snack Wholewheat Digestive Biscuits Choc 200g
价格 20.00 ¥44.8
本店 满 1888 包邮
商品数量 109

Bakers Betta Snack Wholewheat Digestive Biscuits Choc 200g

Expiry Date 2022.02.03

The sun-drenched whole wheat and golden syrup make our Original Bakers Digestive cookies irresistible.

But did you know that doctors in the 19th century believed that its sodium bicarbonate content was helpful for digestion? Either way, you will want these nutritious and delicious biscuits in your stomach.


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