National Curry Powder 110g
进口咖喱粉110g/National Curry Powder 110g
价格 8.20 ¥14.8
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 4323

National Curry Powder 110g

  1. National spice products are prepared with high quality and handpicked spice ingredients to ensure that all your home cooked meals are mouth watering and delicious.

  2. Curry powder is a spice mix of widely varying composition based on South Asian cuisine, it's perfect perfect for dishes like soups, stews, salads, curries and more!

  3. Not too spicy, flavorful, and so delicious!

  4. National spice products are prepared with high quality and handpicked spice ingredients to ensure that all your home cooked meals are mouth watering and delicious.


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