Miamor Pastete Mit Geflügelherzen 6 Cans with 85g each Free Shipping (迈阿密小白罐猫罐头慕斯系列)
Miamor Pastete Mit Geflügelherzen 6 Cans with 85g each Free Shipping (迈阿密小白罐猫罐头慕斯系列)
价格 78.00
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 128

Miamor Pastete Mit Geflügelherzen 6 Cans with 85g each Free Shipping (迈阿密小白罐猫罐头慕斯系列)

Particularly tender meat pie with all the important nutrients a cat needs. The delicate texture makes cats' hearts beat faster. With a balanced magnesium ratio - this can prevent struvite stone formation.
All information at a glance

    1. Magnesium balance
    2. Always served fresh in portions
    3. grain-free, without soy without colorings and preservatives with natural taurine
    4. 85g can each
