Nestle Caramel Treat 360g*2 Tins Combo Offer Pre Order
A great tasting caramelized blend of full cream milk and sugar.
价格 72.80
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 4313
Nestle Caramel Treat 360g*2 Tins Combo Offer
Nestlé caramel treat can be used as a filling and topping in cakes, tarts, puddings and desserts, or simply spread on bread. A great tasting caramelized blend of full cream milk and sugar.
Nestle Caramel Treat is heaven in a tin! Creamy and decadent, it is the ultimate topping for desserts, cakes and an essential ingredient for the divine peppermint crisp tart!
Use NESTLÉ CARAMEL TREAT instead of creaming icing sugar and butter/margarine or icing cakes with normal icing sugar.

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