Indian Kitchen Curry Crab Paste 600g
Indian Kitchen Curry Crab Paste 600g
价格 34.00 ¥39
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 4313

Crab paste is made from the meat of fresh crabs that is salt dried or salted and fermented to provide a soft, paste textured seasoning for foods. Similar to the Asian shrimp paste, crab paste is used to season soups, stews, curries, and rice dishes as well as serving as a marinade for various foods.

The intensely salty flavor goes a long way, so most cooks use this ingredient sparingly, in amounts which will bring out the flavor of the food without being overwhelming. When fermented crab meat is used, the paste will have a slightly sour flavor, while dry salted crab meat will have a cleaner taste.

Rich in vitamins and minerals, crab meat is also low in fat and contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids. Helps provide protection from heart disease and aids brain development. Some research suggests that Omega-3 also inhibits aggressive behaviour.
