3 in 1: Beretta Salame Milano 800g+Napoli 900g+Nostrano 900g Special Offer
3 in 1: Beretta Salame Milano 800g+Napoli 900g+Nostrano 900g Special Offer
价格 390.00 ¥440
本店 满 300 包邮
商品数量 116

Beretta Salame Milano 800g

Traditional Salame from the northern part of Italy and made with selected pork cut. Beretta Salame Milano has a unique taste and sweet taste.

Beretta Salame Napoli 900g

Traditional Salame of the area close to the Italian city of Naples, Baretta Salame Napoli has a spicy taste due to the chilli pepper.

Beretta Salame Nostrano 900g

Traditional Salame of the northern part of Italy, Beretta Salame Nostrano is seasoned with sea salt, black pepper, garlic and white wine .
