German Rye Malt Sourdough 500g
German Rye Malt Sourdough 500g Sugar Free and No Oil
价格 48.00 ¥59
本店 满 120 包邮
商品数量 55

German Rye Malt Sourdough 500g

Ingredients: Rye Flour 60%, Wheat Flour 40%, Oats, Malt Extract, Fresh Yeast, Water, Salt

Weight: 500g

How to Eat: Make fresh , serve immediately, heat and taste better.

Shelf Life: Under 4 days at room temperature(25 C), taste best within 3 days. This can be stored for 14 days if kept in refrigerator.

Storage: Sealed and kept in a cool and dry place at normal temperature.

Rye Health Benefits:

  • Rye products are rich in fiber:

  • Rye flour has a lower glycemic index and is recommended for type 2 diabetes:

  • Lowers cholesterol.

  • Improves the function of the digestive system:

  • Rye is rich in minerals and vitamins:

  • Rye has an antioxidant effect.

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and the occurrence of gallstones.

Storage Method

Traditional handmade bread, no preservatives, you receive as soon as possible after the shelf life. If frozen, in two weeks after eating, or fresh! When you want to eat, thaw it in advance. Heat it in the oven to 180 degrees for 2 to 4 minutes. You can also slice the bread and lay it flat in the pot. Add the lid to the pot and heat it for 2 minutes on each side. Or use the microwave oven to heat it for 30 seconds to 1 minute each time. Our sugar free bread is also very suitable for making delicious sandwiches.

传统手工面包无防腐剂,您收到后保质期内尽快吃完        亲如果冷冻,在两个星期内吃完还跟新鲜的一样哦!想吃的时候提前拿出来解冻,烤箱加热至180度,加热2至4分钟,也可以将面包剖开平铺在锅内加上锅盖闷热每面加热2分钟,或者微波炉加热每次加热30秒至1分钟,我们的无糖主食面包也是非常适合制作美味三明治的哦.


