Thailand Jaggery 454g + Desiccated Coconut 500g Imported From Sri Lanka Combo Deal
Thailand Jaggery 454g + Desiccated Coconut 500g Imported From Sri Lanka Combo Deal
价格 48.80 ¥59.5
本店 满 1500 包邮
商品数量 391

Thailand Jaggery  454g

Drinking jaggery and warm water in the morning can clear up your stomach, improve your digestion and keep problems like acidity, constipation and digestive ailments at bay. It also assists in the right secretion of gastric juices, hence, keeping away the root cause which leads to weight gain away.

Desiccated Coconut 500g

Desiccated coconut is an ideal source of healthy fat that contains no cholesterol and contains selenium, fiber, copper and manganese.
  • One ounce of desiccated coconut contains 80% healthy, saturated fat.

  • Selenium is a mineral that helps the body produce enzymes, which enhance the immune system and thyroid function.

