Home Towel Bucket/ 家居办公磨砂手纸桶
Home Towel Bucket/ 创意纸巾盒家用欧式时尚抽纸盒纸抽盒多功能家居手纸桶
价格 9.00 ¥15
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 4296

  • The Towel Bucket is a smart way to store towels in your pool area or garden area.

  • It is a unique addition to your home for keeping your towels in a proper way.

  • It is exceptionally designed to offer you great usage.

  • It has a large capacity giving you an option to store more number of towels in an easy way.

  • They would remain dry, free from dampness, and other allergens.

  • It is a unique and utility item for your home.

