Ask a Friend to Pay
2021-04-22 Micromart
Feel A New Shopping Style

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What is Ask a friend to pay ? 

Ask a friend to pay is when you chat with friends about settling payment or splitting the bill, you don't need to open another application to send them money.  

So now Micromart is unveiled a new payments feature for all our platforms that lets you connect your friends for settling the payment with quick and simple way. Just tap a “Ask a friend” button when checkout to send your order link to your friends. 

How to Ask Friend to Pay ? 

Here's the step you can follow to Asking your friend to pay on Micromart :

Asking a friend 1.jpgAsking a friend 2.jpgAsking a friend 3.jpgAsking a friend 4.jpgAsking a friend 5.jpgAsking a friend 6.jpg


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