3袋装阿拉伯大饼5Pcs/Arabic Bread (5Pcs*3bags)
3袋装阿拉伯大饼5Pcs/Arabic Bread (5Pcs*3bags)
价格 39.90 ¥42
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 4266

Pita bread is made by mixing premeasured amounts of flour, salt, water, and yeast. Once kneaded, the dough is fed through an extruder that forms the dough into tennis-ball sized portions. Next, the dough balls are allowed to rest and rise in a process called proofing.

However, regular bread is not that much healthier than pita bread because while it beats pita bread in some areas of nutritional value, it is nearly equal to it in others. ... Whole wheat bread has fewer carbs, too, with a 60 gram slice only adding nearly 28 grams of carbs; pita bread adds 33 grams for the same helping.

