印度喀拉拉邦阿育吠陀 Murivenna Thailam ,450ml
Murivenna is an oil that helps heal wounds. Made from coconut oil, Murivenna quickly reduces inflammation and is useful for treating injuries such as pain and swelling.
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印度喀拉拉邦阿育吠陀 Murivenna Thailam ,450ml4

印度喀拉拉邦阿育吠陀 Murivenna Thailam ,450ml。Murivenna 这个名字来自两个马拉雅拉姆语单词:Murivu(意思是伤口)和 Enna(意思是油)。因此,Murivenna 是一种有助于愈合伤口的油。Murivenna 以椰子油为基础制成,可快速减少炎症,对于治疗疼痛和肿胀等损伤非常有用。穆里维纳富含具有伤口愈合和骨折愈合特性的草药。


加速伤口愈合过程:- Murivenna 对慢性不愈合溃疡、割伤和新伤口效果良好。

对一度烧伤有益:-使用 Murivenna 有助于防止一度烧伤形成疤痕和疖子。

有助于缓解疼痛和炎症:- Murivenna 有助于减少骨折、钝伤和挫伤中的炎症变化。

骨相关疾病的理想选择:- Murivenna 有益于治疗与关节炎相关的关节疼痛、各种病理的背痛和膝痛、肩关节脱位、脊柱炎和肩周炎。

帮助控制肌肉痉挛和扭伤:- Murivenna 中的植物成分有助于减轻与肌肉痉挛和扭伤相关的疼痛。

帮助安抚 Tridoshas:- Murivenna 可有效缓解由于瓦塔 (Vata)、皮塔 (Pitta) 和卡法 (Kapha) 能量紊乱而引起的不适。

如何使用 :



TAMBULA(蒌叶):- Tambula 中的活性成分有助于伤口快速愈合,并具有强大的防腐剂作用。



Indian Kerala Ayurveda Murivenna Thai am, 450ml. The name Murivenna comes from two Malayaram words: Murivu (meaning wound) and Ena (meaning oil). Murivenna is an oil that helps heal wounds. Made from coconut oil, Murivenna quickly reduces inflammation and is useful for treating injuries such as pain and swelling. Murivina is rich in herbs with wound healing and fracture healing properties.


Accelerate wound healing process: - Murivenna works well for chronic non-healing ulcers, cuts and new wounds.

Good for first degree burns: - Use Murivenna to help prevent scars and boils in first degree burns.

Helps relieve pain and inflammation: - Murivenna helps reduce inflammatory changes in fractures, blunt injuries and contusions.

Ideal for bone-related diseases: - Murivenna is beneficial in the treatment of arthritic joint pain, back and glenohumeral joint pain of various pathologies, dislocation of the shoulder, spondylitis and periarthritis of the shoulder.

Help Control Muscle Spasms and Sprains: - The plant ingredients in Murivenna help reduce pain associated with muscle spasms and sprains.

To help soothe Tridoshas: - Murivenna is effective in relieving discomfort caused by Vata, Pitta and Kapha energy disorders.

How to use:

Apply externally to the affected area.

Product Ingredients:

TAMBULA (Betel): - The active ingredients in Tambula contribute to rapid wound healing and have a powerful anti-decay effect.

SIGRUPATRA (Moringa): - Has bone protective activity and is conducive to wound healing.

KANYA (Aloe Vera): - The polysaccharides in Aloe Vera accelerate the regeneration of wound and burn tissue.

