NaNiDa Beetroot Pickle 380ml Jar
Beetroot Pickle 380ml Jar gluten free, halal, vegan Na Ni Da
价格 17.80 ¥25
全场 满 5000 包邮
商品数量 49

Nanida Beetroot Salad is bottled with only the best beetroot. It’s been sliced and seasoned to perfection to give you a tasty side to any dish.

  • Serve as a salad to accompany any meal.

  • Perfect as a side dish with any BBQ (braai).

  • This is a homemade, organic product that is made from an original recipe using the highest quality ingredients. The product is all natural, vegan, gluten free, non-GMO, preservative free, and has no artificial colors or flavors and no added MSG.

  • This product is also halal.

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